Our Delta passes had to be used by the end of March. I had been looking to go somewhere fun and started looking... I found Nashville and said that would be fun to go to the Grand Ole Opry!

So I started looking at "Who" was going to be playing there and when they would be playing. Brittney loves Carrie Underwood and will tell you that Carrie is the only contestant of American Idol that she has ever voted for! So I found out that she was going to be playing and I got us tickets to the early show of the Opry!

Our seats weren't the best but they were seats. I don't know if any of you have heard but during our show Randy Travis made a guest appearance and asked Carrie to become the next member of the Grand Ole Opry! (WOW!) What an exciting thing to happen for her but not only for her but for us as well to have been there when it happened!
Randy played a few songs for us as well that night which was unexpected!

We played around Nashville for the weekend and found out that CMT was going to be Filming their new Reality TV show "Can You Duet" while we were in town as well! So we attended the recording at the Wildhorse Saloon. Not to mention that we were surprised when we were standing in line to get in and Naomi Judd pulled up right in front of us!

We also meet one of the contestants Will Snyder and his parents. This kid is incredibly good on the guitar and he has a really good voice too!

When we got in and found out that we were going to have to STAND for 3 hours we went upstairs and found a table that wasn't reserved! As we were sitting there with some new friends we meet in line the Producers of the Show came and sat at the table right behind us... So we were able to talk to a few of them!
Nashville... What a fun city! Plenty to do and see! I could go back and play again later!